Welcome to
Powell Church
of God

137 West Second Street

Sunday Service

Fellowship: 9:00 am
Sunday school 9:30 am
Main Service: 10:30 am  Holy Communion
First Sunday of the month

Wednesday Service

Prayer: 6:30 pm
First Wednesday
of the month

Bible Study: 6:30 pm

This Week

Women's Bible Study Thursday at 12:30 pm

Men's Breakfast
 Friday at 8:00 am
Skyline Cafe

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Pastor Shane and Associate Pastor Susan

Lead Pastor Shane Legler
email: pastorshane@protonmail.com
Cell: 254-423-2213

Shane is native to Wyoming, having lived in Powell for most of his life. He and his wife Tara have five kids, now grown, and three grandkids. They are both sinners saved by the grace of God and nothing more.
Shane heard God’s call to ministry in 1990. However, some folks need more preparation for ministry than others. Therefore, he had to have extra time in preparation and worked in construction and manufacturing. He also served for over a decade as an Arabic linguist and intelligence analyst with the military after 9/11. Having seen a good deal of the world and experiencing some good and bad, the Lord made it clear that He’d called Shane to be a pastor to his own people and sent him back to his hometown.
He has been the lead pastor at what is now Powell Church of God since 2014. He also serves as the Administrator at the Powell Christian School. He is a student of theology, preaching, history, and literature. All that aside, Shane simply desires the glory of God and the expansion of His kingdom in this broken world and works, with the help of God, to that end.


What we believe

God and the World

We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired Word of God, without error in its original writing and maintained in integrity. It is the living Word of the living God written for a living people. It is the fully sufficient and absolute authority to which we appeal for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. (2 Tim. 3:16)

We believe in one God, who is supreme over all things. We proclaim that He exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, was crucified for our sins, and rose again the third day. We believe that He will come again with glory just as He promised.​

Spirit equips believers with unique gifts that enable us to carry out the mission of Christ in the world. At the same time, the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in every believer (Galatians 5:22–23), which demonstrate the Spirit’s presence within us.We believe in the Holy Spirit’s work. ​We believe that children are a gift from God and that the fruit of the womb is to be protected and cherished. (Psalm 127)

​We believe all of life is to be used for the honor, glory, and service of the God Who made it.

Man and Salvation

We believe that man (male and female) was made in the image of God and perfect at the time of creation. Man chose to walk away from God, and in so doing, chose to walk away from life. Because of man's rebellion, man became broken at every level of his existence. Every person born is now born broken. They are absolutely broken. No one can fix their own brokenness. God alone is able to ​make broken man whole again.​​​​

We believe salvation comes through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus demonstrated the love of God for us. He paid the penalty for the sins of every person willing to accept the free gift of salvation. God’s gift of salvation is received when we acknowledge Christ as Lord and believe that God has raised Him from the dead. (ROM 10:9)

The Church and Its Life

We believe salvation makes us members of the body of Christ. We believe that the church is composed of every person who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord. We enter into the life of the church, not by joining a denomination or a human organization, but by committing our lives to Christ. We believe the body of Christ is one, here and now.

We believe that God calls all Christians to live in unity and peace. While Christians may not agree on all things, we can embrace the spirit of Christ in caring concern for one another. Jesus is our common foundation. ‍

We believe all members of the body of Christ are to live a holy life. We believe that God’s standard of life for all Christians is one of moral purity and godliness, to live as Christ. As God’s people, we represent Christ in this world.

We believe in the Great Commission. Each of us is called to fulfill Matthew 28:18–20, making fully devoted followers of Christ—disciples—who will then teach others to follow him. We believe in the Great Commandments. We are called to fulfill Matthew 22:37–39, not only loving God with our entire being, but also loving all that he loves. We are affiliated with The Church of God of Anderson Indiana movement.

The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. Is. 40:8



Vision Beyond Borders
began as a small ministry which specialized in taking Bibles into China and other parts of Asia.  As Pat brought Bibles into these countries, he felt a great urge to help the local peoples. The ministry has since grown to support orphaned children, widows, persecuted pastors, and rescue women and children from sex-slavery. Since its foundation, Vision Beyond Borders has delivered over 2 million Bibles and thousands of MP3 audio Bibles and hand-wind tape players containing the Gospel into closed countries. VBB has set up rescue and rehabilitation ministries for sex-trafficking victims in India & Nepal, including a safe house. With donors' support, we have also provided for over 800 children & hundreds of native pastors in restricted nations. An abundant amount of humanitarian aid and medical care have been administered to the poor and to persecuted refugees from Burma, Syria, Honduras, Venezuela and Iraq. Over 40 million vegetable seed packets have been distributed, providing self-sustaining resources for villages and orphanages. Thousands of Bible flannel graphs have also been delivered to reach children and adults with the Gospel.

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Children of Promise

Children of Promise
was born as a concept on March 5, 1992. Sidney and Jean Johnson, long time missionaries with the Church of God (Anderson, IN), met with Doris Dale and Kay Shively to discuss their vision and purpose for a child sponsorship program. Their vision was “to provide financial assistance…to aid children of poverty in ministries operated by the Church of God outside the United States.” Initial ideas for the program included support for children’s homes, child sponsorship, day cares, health care assistance, food and nutrition, and education. What emerged from those early conversations was as a cooperative effort of the Women of the Church of God and the Missionary Board of the Church of God.

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Our Missionaries

The Barton Family
Missionaries to Japan

Field Address 159-43-201 Shinokuma, Chikuzen-cho, A  sakura-gun, Fukuoka-ken, Japan 838-0215​

The Nelson Family Missionaries to Scotland

Email jabonelson@gmail.com

The Kihm Family Missionaries to Europe

Email danielkihm@chog.org